Humber bridge
Aikido kanji Asahi

   Hull Aikido Club

Combined Syllabus

Solo Techniques
Shizentai Kamae - Natural stances
Hidari Gamae - left
Migi Gamae - right
Za Ho - sitting
Ai Hanmi - mutual oblique stance (both in left foot forward or right foot forward
Gyaku Hanmi- reverse oblique stance (one right foot forward, other left)
Distance - Ma-Ai
Tai No Shintai - Locomotion
Tsugi-Ashi - Glide walking
Ayumi-Ashi - walking
Tenki-Ashi - step pivot
Tenkan-Ashi - pivot
Shikko - Knee walking
Tai No Henka - Posture changing
Kokyu No Henka - Breath movement
Tekubi Kansetsu Junan-ho - Wrist exercises
Kote Mawashi-Ho - wrist in turn
Kote Gaeshi-Ho - wrist out turn
Kote Sanki-Ho - wrist twist lift
Tekubi Shindo - wrist shaking
Kokyu-Ryoku No Yosie-Ho - Breath power exercises
Eight movements sitting
Ukemi - Breakfalling
Mae-Ukemi Forward break-fall left and right
Ushiro-Ukemi Backward break-fall left and right
Yoko-Ukemi Side break-fall
Haishin Undo - Back stretching
Both hands held
Arms interlocked

Technique for all attacks Attacks
Ikkyo irimi - arm pin, entering
Ikkyo tenkan - arm pin, turning
Shiho-nage irimi - four direction throw
Shiho-nage tenkan - "" turning
Irimi-nage irimi - entering throw
Irimi nage tenkan - " with turning
Kaiten-nage soto - outer rotary throw
Nikyo irimi
Nikyo tenkan
Sankyo irimi
Irimi nage tenkan
Kaiten nage ura
Tenchi nage irimi
Kokyu Ho/Nage Irimi & Tenkan
Tenchi Nage tenkan
Sukomen Irimi
Sukomen tenkan
Mia Otoshi
Kote Geashi
Sumi Otoshi soto
Sumi Otoshi ura
Koshi Nage
Hanmi-Handashi Shiho Nage
Hanmi-Handashi Tenchi Nage
Hiji Nage (Elbow Throw)
Aiki Otoshi (Aiki Drop)
Hanmi-Handachi from strikes
Defence from being held by 2 attackers
Juji Nage
Kote Gaeshi double combinations
Escape from attackers at 4 quarters
Triple combination using any entry
Countering techniques
Katete-tori gyuku-hanmi - wrist held in opposing stances
Katete-tori ai-hanmi
Ryote Dori - 2 hands holding 1
Morote Dori - 2 hands holding 2
Tsuki chudan
Shomen uchi jodan
Yokomen uchi
Uraken jodan

Kobudo - weapons
Tai Sabaki (body movement) to knife attacks
Kote Geashi (wrist out turn)
Kwaiken Dori
Suwari Wasa (knife defence kneeling)

Bo/Jo basic attacks
Ko-tanjo (9in stick)
Kwaiken Dori Tachi Waza (90° & 180° Kote Geashi)
Basic Bo/jo defence
Basic Boken (stances & cuts)
Ken Suburi 1 to 7
20 Jo Suburi
Ushiro Kwaiken Dori (tea pot A.Pirie)
1 x 3ft stick (A.Pirie)
Bo v Bo (spinning exercise)
Happo Giri (eight direction cutting)
Bo/Jo taking
Kwaiken dori sitting at table
Tessen v Kwaiken (small strike v knife A.Pirie)
31 Jo Kata (Saito)
Kumi Jo 1-5 (saito)
Bokken Taking
Basic Ken Jutsu (A.Pirie)
Jo v Bokken basic (A.Pirie)
Bo v Bokken (A.Pirie & Satomi)
13 Jo kata
Club v kwaiken
5 Kumi Jo - joined
Patrol Kata (Satomi)
Technique using bokken with wrist held
Kokyo set using the Jo
Basic Iaido (A.Pirie)
31 Jo Kata with attacks
13 Jo kata with attacks
Technique Jo v Jo
Wakasashi v Bokken
Bokken taking Suwari Wasa

Ushiro waza
Kokyu-nage to Ushiro Kubi-shimi - strangle
Kokyu-nage to Ushiro Tori gedan - low bear hug
Kokyu-nage to Ushiro Tori chudan - high bear hug
Kokyu-nage to Ushiro Tekubi Tori - wrists held
Kokyu-nage to Ushiro Hiji Tori - elbows held
Kokyu-nage to Ushiro Tori - collar/hair held
Kokyu-nage to Ushiro Kubi-Shime Ude-osae  - strangle with fist in back
Kote Gaeshi to Ushiro Ryote Tori - both hands held and pulled back
Any defence to Ushiro Uchi - Rear Strike (Tsuki, Shomen, Uraken, Yokomen)