Humber bridge
Aikido kanji Asahi

   Hull Aikido Club



ai (合) meeting, harmony, unity, blending

aihanmi (合半身) basic relation between partners: both have same foot forward (left or right),

aihanmi katatedori (合半身片手取り)wrist grip, right on right or left on left, also called kosadori

aiki (合気)Meeting one's ki or energy with that of the partner

aikibatto (合気抜刀)sword drawing exercises, solo or paired

aikibudo (合気武道)budo based on the aiki principle, earlier name for aikido

aikido (合気道)-The way through the life energy to harmony/unity

aikidoka (合気道家) - An aikido practicioner

aikido toho (合気道刀法)Nishio sensei's iaido school

Aikijinja (合気神社)the aikido temple in Iwama

aikijo (合気杖)aikido jo-staff exercises

aikijujutsu (合気柔術)name on the Daito ryu Martial art, also called aikijujutsu

Aikikai (合気会)organization and "label" for Ueshiba's aikido

aikiken (合気剣)aikido sword exercises

aikinage (合気投げ)aiki-throw, throwing technique

aiki no michi (合気の道)aikido (michi=do)

aikiotoshi (合気落とし)aiki-drop, throwing technique

aikitaiso (合気体操)aikido warm-up exercises

aite (相手)partner in training

arigato (有難う)thanks

arigato gozaimasu (有難う御座います)thanks for something going on

arigato gozaimashita (有難う御座いました)thanks for something completed

ashi (足)leg, foot

ate (当て)hit, strike

atemi (当身)strike to the body

awase (合わせ)harmonizing/blending movement

ayumiashi (歩み足)alternating footwork, like natural walking.


batto (抜刀)To draw the sword. Can also be an abbreviation of sword drawing arts or technique.

bo (棒)A staff. A staff of any length can be referred to technically as a bo, but usually this term refers to the 6' rokushakubo.

bokken (木剣)wooden training sword

bokuto (木刀)See bokken

budo (武道) Martial ways/the Japanese Martial arts

budoka (武道家)A practicioner of budo

bugei (武芸)Martial crafts. An older term still used in some circles

bugeisha (武芸者) A practicioner or exponent of martial crafts

bujutsu (武術) Martial arts

bukiwaza (武器技)weapons techniques


choku (直) direct

chokusen (直線) Direct/Straight line

chokutsuki (直突き)direct strike with the jo, like a spear thrust.

chudan (中段)middle level, compare jodan and gedan

chudan no kamae (中段の構え)guard position with a weapon at belly height. Also known as Chudan gamae

chudan tsuki (中段突き)strike at belly/solar plexus, with weapon or empty hand


Daito ryu aikijujutsu (大東流合気柔術) The main influence in Ueshiba O'sensei's formulation of aikido.

dan (段)level, black belt grade in budo

deshi (弟)student

do (道)way, also michi

dogi (道着)training dress, also keikogi

dojo (道場)training hall

dojo cho (道場長)head of a training hall

domo arigato gozaimasu (どうも有難う御座います)Thank you so much, for something going on

domo arigato gozaimashita (どうも有難う御座いました)thank you so much, for something completed

dori (取り) Suffix version of tori. To take, grab or catch.

dosa (動作) Exercise

doshu (道主)way leader, head of a budo. Lit. Master of a way.

dozo (どうぞ)please/proceed/by all means


gassho (合掌) The meeting of hands in respect to the kamiza and to the ancestors in the art.

gasshuku (合宿)Training camp, lodging together

gedan (下段) Low level, compare jodan and chudan

gedan barai (下段払い)Low sweeping block

gedan no kamae (下段の構え) Low level posture

go (五)Five

gokyo (五教)Fifth teaching, pinning technique

gomen nasai (ごめんなさい)Excuse me /Sorry

gyaku (逆)Reverse, opposite

gyaku hanmi (逆半身) Left side hanmi and can also refer to two partners in hanmi on different sides.

gyakuhanmi katatedori (逆半身片手取り)Wrist grip, right on left or left on right,

gyaku tsuki (逆突き)Thrust punch with opposing arm and leg forward,


hachi (八) eight

hajime (始め) The verbal command to begin.

hakama (袴)traditional wide pants, used in aikido and other traditional budo.

hanmi (半身) half body

hanmi gamae (半身構え)angled guard position

hanza handachi (半座半立)sitting versus standing. A situation commonly found in Daito-ryu aikijujutsu, aikido and koryu bujutsu.

hantai (反対)opposed

happo (八方)eight directions,

hara (腹)stomach

harai/barai (払い)sweep away, parry

hasso gaeshi (八相返)jo-staff technique

hasso no kamae (八相の構え)guard with weapon at shoulder level

henka waza (変化技) Technique variations.

hidari (左) left (right: migi)

hiji (肘)elbow

hijidori (肘取り)grip on elbow

hijikime osae (肘極め押さえ)pinning technique, sometimes called rokkyo

hiki (引き) From the verb "hiku", to pull

hineri (捻り)Twist. From the verb "hineru".

hito e mi (一重身)making the body small, guard position, more triangular than hanmi

hiza (膝)knee

ho (法)method

ho (方)direction, side

hombu (本部)head quarters

Hombu dojo (本部道場)headquarters dojo


iaido (居合道)the art of drawing the Japanese sword

iaijutsu (居合術) older term for iai

iaito (居合刀)training sword, usually not sharpened

ichi (一)one

ichiban (一番)first, best

ikkyo (一教)first teaching, pinning technique

ikkyo undo (一教運動)exercise of the basic ikkyo movement

ipponken (一本拳)strike with one knuckle

irimi (入り身)in to the body, inwards

irimi nage (入り身投げ)entering throw, throwing technique

Iwama (岩間)the town in Ibarai prefecture, where Osensei had a dojo and a home.

Iwama ryu (岩間流)Saito Morihiro sensei's aikido style. Since Saito sensei's passing, his son, Saito Hitohiro formed the Shin Shin Aikishurenkai.


jiyu-geiko (自由稽古) free training or practice

jiyu waza (自由技)free technqiues

jo (杖)wooden polearm of roughly four feet in length.

jo awase (杖合わせ)jo exercises

jodan (上段)high level, compare chudan and gedan

jodan no kamae (上段の構え) High level posture, usually armed.

jodan tsuki (上段突き)thrust at head

jodori (杖取り)defense against jo-staff

jo-tai-jo (杖対杖)jo vs. jo

jo-tai-ken (杖対剣) jo vs. ken

ju (十)ten

ju (柔)soft, pliable, flexible, gentle

judo (柔道) the flexible way

jujigarami/jujinage (十字絡み・十字投げ)cross throw

jujutsu (柔術)the flexible/pliable art

junbi taiso (準備体操)warm-up exercises, also called aikitaiso

jun tsuki (順突き)strike with the same arm and leg forward, also called oitsuki, compare gyakutsuki

jutsu (術)technique/art


kaeshi/gaeshi (返し)return, turn, reverse

kaeshi tsuki (返し突き)reverse strike with jo-staff

kaeshi waza (返し技)counter techniques

kai (会)club, association

kaiten nage (回転投げ)rotation throw, throwing technique

kaiten osae (回転押さえ)rotation pinning technique

kakae dori (抱え取り)embrace or bear hug

kakari geiko (掛り稽古)attackers in line, one after the other

kakudo (角度)angle

kamae/gamae (構え)guard position/posture

kami (神) divinity/the gods

kamiza (神座)honorary place in a dojo,

kansetsu (関節)joint (on body)

Kashima Shinto-ryu (鹿島新当流)Koryu kenjutsu style that Ueshiba O'sensei and some of his uchideshi in Iwama trained in. Their names are historically recorded on the ryuha's eimeiroku (register).

kata (形)form, pre-decided movements

kata (肩)shoulder

kata dori (肩取り)shoulder grip

katadori menuchi (肩取り面打ち)shoulder grip followed by shomenuchi

katame waza (固め技)pinning techniques

katana (刀)the Japanese sword, also ken, to and tachi

katate (片手) Single handed

katate dori (片手取り)single handed wrist-grip

katate ryote dori (片手両手取り)grip with both hands, also called morotedori

keiko/geiko (稽古)training

keikogi (稽古着)training dress, also dogi

ken (剣)sword, also katana, to and tachi

kendo (剣道)Japanese modern sport focused fencing

ki (気)spirit, life energy

kiai (気合)gathered ki, usually used for shout in budo

kihon (気合)basics

kihon waza (基本)basic training

kikai tanden (気海丹田)the ocean of ki in the body's centre

kime (決め)focusing

kimusubi (気結び)Tying one's ki to that of the partner

kinagare/ki no nagare (気の流れ)Ki flow.

kiri/giri (切り・斬り)Cut

kirikaeshi (切り返し)Returning cuts in kumitachi. Is also a training exercise in kendo & kenjutsu

kobudo (古武道)Older budo

kobujutsu (古武術) Older martial arts

kogeki (攻撃)attack

kogekiho (攻撃法)Attacking techniques

kokoro (心)Heart or mind, also pronounced shin

kokyu (呼吸)Breathing

kokyuho (呼吸法)Breathing exercise/breathing method

kokyu nage (呼吸投げ)Breath throw

kokyu ryoku (呼吸力)Breath power

koshi (腰)Hip

koshi nage (腰投げ)Hip throw

kote (小手)Wrist & forearm area

kote gaeshi (小手返し)Reversed wrist, throwing technique

kote hineri (小手捻り)Twisted wrist, sankyo

kote mawashi (小手廻し)Turned wrist, nikyo

ku/kyu (九)Nine

kubi (首)Neck

kubi shime (首絞め・首締め)Neck choke

kumi (組み)Group, set

kumijo (組杖)Jo-staff exercises, jo against jo

kumitachi (組太刀)Sword exercises, sword against sword

kumite (組手)Free sparring, not unlike judo randori.

kumi-uchi (組討)An older term for jujutsu. Some of the techniques in kumi-uchi are very similar to sumo.

kuzushi (崩し) To break balance

kyo (教) teaching

kyu (級)Grade before blackbelt


ma-ai (間合)harmonious, balanced distance between training partners

mae (前)front, forward, compare ushiro

mae geri (前蹴)straight kick

mae ukemi (前受身)forward fall

makiwara (巻藁)target for hitting practice in karatedo

maru (丸)circle

mawashi (回し)revolving, turning

mawashi geri (廻蹴り)roundhouse kick

mawate (回って)Vocal order to turn

me (目)eye

men (面) Head area

Me Tsubushi (目潰) To distract the uke by attacking the eyes.

michi (道)way, also do

migi (右)right (left: hidari)

misogi (禊)purification, cleansing

mochi (持ち)hold/grip, also called dori

mochigata (持ち方) Ways of grabbing

mokuso (黙想)meditation,clearing of the mind

morote dori (諸手取り)grip with both hands, also called katate ryotedori

mu (無)nothing, empty

mushin (無心)empty mind

mudansha (無段者)trainee without dan grade, compare yudansha

mune (胸)chest

mune dori (胸取り)collar grip by the chest

musubi (結び)tie together - connection

nagare (流れ)flow, streaming. Also nagashi

nage (投げ)throw, also used for the one doing the aikido technique, compare tori


nage waza (投げ技)throwing techniques

nana (七)seven, also pronounced shichi

ni (二)two

Nihon/Nippon (日本)Japan

nikyo (二教)second teaching, pinning technique

ninindori (二人取り)two attackers, also called futaridori , from the tasunindori exercises in Daito-ryu.

noto (納刀)resheathing of the sword into the scabbard

nukitsuke (抜き付け)drawing the sword, also called batto


obi (帯)belt

omote (表)front, surface

onegai shimasu (お願いします)please, asking for something

osae (押さえ)press down, pinning

osensei (翁先生)great teacher, in aikido Morihei Ueshiba

otagai ni rei (お互いに礼)bow to each others

otoshi (落とし)drop

oyo waza (応用)applied techniques, modified for efficiency


randori (乱捕り)

rei (礼)bow

reigi (礼儀)etiquette, also called reishiki (礼式) or reiho (礼法)

renshu (練習)training

renzoku (連続)continuous

renzoku uchikomi (連続打ち込み)jo-staff exercise

renzoku waza (連続技)consecutive techniques, a series of techniques

renraku waza (連絡技) Combination techniques

ritsurei (立礼)standing bow

rokkyo (六教)sixth teaching, pinning technique, see hijikime osae

roku (六)six

ryo (両)both

ryotedori (両手取り)gripping both wrists

ryu (流)school, also ryuha (流派)or ryugi (流儀)


sabaki (捌き) movement/handling

san (三)three

sankaku (三角)triangle

sankakudai (三角体)triangle shape, position of the feet in hanmi

sankyo (三教)third teaching, pinning technique

sannindori/sanningake (三人取り・三人掛け)three attackers

sanpo (三方)three directions

saya (鞘)scabbard

seiki (生気)life energy

seiza (正座)correct sitting, sit on knees

sen no sen (先の先) initiating at the same instant as an attack

sensei (先生)one who has gone before - usually applied to a person leading a class in aikido

sensen no sen (先々の先)initiating before the attack begins.

shi (四)four, also pronounced yon

shiai (試合)competition or match, meaning to literally meet and test. The older meaning was a lot more serious; (死合) to meet with death.

shichi (七)seven, also pronounced nana

shidoin (指導員)instructor, middle title for aikido teacher, 4-5 dan

shihan (師範) Literally means teacher. Japanese practicioners who reach rokudan are automatically titled Shihan.

shiho (四方)four directions

shihonage (四方投げ)four directions throw, throwing technique

shihogiri (四方切り) Cutting in four directions, one of the kihon taught in aikiken.

shikaku (四角)square

shikko (膝行)knee walking

shime (絞め)choke

shin (心)heart, will, mind, also pronounced kokoro

shinken (真剣) A live Japanese sword. Also refers to being serious in modern day Japanese.

shinken shobu (真剣勝負) A life or death match. Teachers in Japan sometimes refer to shinken

shobu keiko - Training as if your life depended upon it.

shinzen (神前) front of the gods, facing towards the kamiza.

shisei (姿勢)posture

shizentai (自然体)natural body posture

shodan (初段)first dan grade

shomen (正面)front of the head. Also, the front of the dojo where the kamiza is.

shomen ni rei (正面に礼)bow to head place of the dojo

shomenuchi (正面打ち)cut or blow to head

shoshinsha (初心者)beginner

shuto (手刀) sword hand

sode (袖)sleeve

sodedori (袖取り)sleeve grip

sodeguchidori (袖口取り)grip on the cuff of the sleeve

soto (外)outside, outer, compare uchi

soto deshi (外弟子)student who lives outside the dojo, compare uchideshi

soto kaiten (外回転)outer rotation, compare uchikaiten

soto uke (外受け)block from outside, compare uchiuke

suburi (素振り)basic exercises with sword or staff

suki (隙)opening or a weakness in one's technique or posture

sumi (隅)corner

sumikiri (隅きり)sharpness of body and mind

sumimasen (すみません) excuse me/sorry

sumo (相撲)traditional Japanese wrestling

sutemi waza (捨て身技) Sacrifice techniques where you give away your position to exploit your opponent's vulnerability

suwari waza (座り技)seated training, also called suwate. In jujutsu, usually referred to as Idori (居捕)

suwatte waza (座って技)seated training, also called suwariwaza


tachi (太刀)sword, also nihonto, ken and katana

tachi ai (立ち合い) training where both parties stand

tachidori (太刀取り) defense against sword. lit. "Sword taking"

tachi waza (立ち技)standing techniques

tai (体)body

taijutsu (体術)body techniques, unarmed techniques. Also another term used instead of jujutsu

tai no henko (体の変更)body turn, also called tai no tenkan

tai no tenkan (体の転換)body turn, also called tai no henko

tai sabaki (体捌き)body move, evasive movement in aikido

taiso (体操)exercises

takemusu (武産)improvised Martial art. The unification of mind, body and principle in aiki. "The spontaneous execution of limitless techniques".

takemusu aiki (武産合気)improvised Martial art through the principle of aiki

tameshigiri (試し斬り)cutting test with sword

tanden (丹田)body center, compare seika no itten

tanren (鍛錬)drilling to forge the spirit

tanto (短刀) Japanese style dagger

tantodori (短刀取り)defense against knife

tatami (畳)mat

te (手)hand

tegatana (手刀) sword hand. To use the hand to strike in sword-like movements.

tekubi (手首)wrist

tekubi osae (手首押さえ)pinned wrist, yonkyo

tenchi nage (天地投げ)heaven-earth throw, throwing technique

tenkan (転換)turn

tobikoshi (飛び腰)fall over hip, break fall

tori (取り・捕り)the one who takes, defender in aikido, also called nage and shite (Pronounced "Shtay" for you wiseguys out there!)

torifune (取り船)rowing exercise, also called funakogi undo

tsuba (鍔)sword guard

tsugiashi (次足)sliding step, back foot following and not passing front foot

tsuka (柄)sword hilt

tsuki (突き)to thrust with a weapon or empty hand


uchi (打ち)to strike or hit

uchi (外)inside, within, inner, compare soto

uchi deshi (内弟子)student living in the dojo, compare sotodeshi

uchi kaiten (内回転)inner rotation, compare sotokaiten

uchi gata (打ち方)striking methods

uchikomi (打ち込み)hitting repeatedly

uchi uke (内受け)block from inside, compare sotouke

ude (腕)arm

ude kime nage (腕極め投げ)arm lock throw

ude nobashi (腕延ばし)extended arm, gokyo

ude osae (腕押さえ)pinned arm, ikkyo

uke (受け)the one receiving, attacker in aikido

uke (受け)block, parry

ukemi (受身)falling

undo (運動)exercise

ura (裏)backside, inside, reverse side, compare omote

uraken (裏拳)backfist strike

ushiro (後ろ)behind, backwards, compare mae

ushiro kiriotoshi (後ろ切り落とし)rear cutting drop, throwing technique

ushiro ukemi (後ろ受身)backward fall

ushiro waza (後ろ技)techniques from behind


waka sensei (若先生)young teacher, used in aikido for successor of Doshu

wakarimasen (分かりません)I do not understand

waki (脇)side

waki gatame (脇固め) side armlock in jujutsu, similar to hiji shime

wakizashi (脇差)short sword, also called a kodachi (小太刀)

waza (技)technique, skill, training method


yame (止め)verbal order to stop

yari (槍・鑓)spear

yoko (横)side, sideways, horizontal

yokomen (横面)side of the head

yokomenuchi (横面打ち)strike to the side of the head

yoko ukemi (横受身)side fall

yon (四)four, also pronounced shi, however is rarely used, since shi rhymes with the Japanese word for death (死)

yonkajo (四ヶ条)older term for yonkyo

yonkyo (四教)fourth teaching, pinning technique

yudansha (有段者)dan graded, compare mudansha


za (座)seated, sit

zanshin (残心)remaining spirit, continued concentration. Awareness focused on the opponent after the execution of a technique.

zarei (座礼)sitting bow

zazen (座禅)sitting meditation, also called mokuso

zen (禅)a form of buddhism

zengo (前後) forward and back, front and rear

zori (草履)sandals

